This just happens to be DEATH METAL. Here, let me recommend you some bands that don't suck.

First up is Morgue. Some brutal ballin shit from good old US of A. They released one album called Eroded Thoughts, and kinda just disappeared off the face of the earth. I think some of them started this stonerdoom shit. I should remind myself to check that out. Anyway here's a track from their first and only full lenght, released way back in 93, it sure has a pretty fucking unique sound and is in my opinion underrated as fuck. Should be up there with all the early greats of death metal. Even if you don't like it, you can't deny that that is at least one of the best fucking death metal logos you've seen in your entire life.

Next up is NECRONY.
Formed sometime really fucking long ago in Sweden, official land of homosexuality and faggotry. Released an album called Pathological Performances in 93, and later went on to become this really big Grindcore band called Nasum.
I don't know about you lot, but I could just never get the hang of Nasum for some reason, still don't know why actually, they should be right up my alley. But anyway, when I discovered this shit i was blown away. It has loads of Grindcore in it for a death metal album, which isn't really all that weird seing how they later formed Nasum and all that. Anyway check it out. The best way I can describe this is as a Swedish(slightly gayer) version of Carcass. Without all the doctor shit, just pure brutal lyrics you can actually make sense of.
I only found this gay video with a lot of text on it, but just listen to it.